PT. Genetika Science Indonesia is a leading Life Science research distributor and service provider in Indonesia. Through Genetika Science Academy, we provide Life Science and Molecular Biology Learning programs and hands-on classes for Researchers, Academics and anyone eager to expand their knowledge in Molecular Biology.

Our Vision & Mission

Genetika Science Academy is dedicated to equipping students and researchers with a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of fundamental biological concepts. By offering hands-on, practical learning experiences, we strive to bridge the gap between theory and application. Our goal is to inspire and encourage sustainable advancements in biological research, empowering the next generation of scientists to make meaningful contributions to the field. Through continuous learning and innovation, we are committed to fostering a deeper appreciation for biological sciences and driving impactful change in research practices.

Experience Real-World Applications

Cutting-Edge Instruments, Equipment and Reagents

Step-by-Step Curriculum Laboratory and Classroom Guides

Expert Trainers in Molecular Biology

Explore Our Courses

Mastering Eukaryotic mRNA Sequencing

Explore, Analyze & Validate

  • Introduction to eukaryotic mRNA sequencing
  • The concept of bioinformatic analysis for eukaryotic mRNA sequencing data
  • Understanding the mRNA sequencing data QCs

rhAmp™ SNP Genotyping

Uncover Genetic Differences

  • Theory and concepts of quantitative PCR and rhAmp™ SNP Genotyping Assays
  • Hands-on Experiences: DNA isolation and setting up an rhAmp™ SNP Genotyping Assays
  • Analysis and Data Interpretation

Fundamental Molecular Biology Learning Program

Hands-On Laboratory Course

  • DNA Extraction Principles and Techniques
  • Polymerase Chain Reaction Proficiency
  • Gel Electrophoresis
  • Sanger Sequencing Get to know more about Sanger sequencing, the key steps from sample preparation to data interpretation

Introduction to Western Blotting Learning Program

From Basics to Hands-On Expertise in SDS-PAGE & Western Blot

  • Fundamental of SDS-PAGE & Western Blot
  • Troubleshoot of Common SDS-PAGE & Western Blot
  • Hands-On Experience and gain practical experience with guided hands-on sessions, ensuring you are proficient in every step of the process

Mastering Real-Time (qPCR) For Porcine Detection

Mastering Real-Time PCR (qPCR) For The Detection of Porcine DNA

  • Fundamentals of qPCR: Definition and principles of quantitative PCR
  • qPCR Workflow: Sample preparation and DNA extraction
  • Hands-on: Porcine Detection using quantitative PCR
  • Troubleshooting Common qPCR Issues


Real-time (qPCR) for Gene Expression Learning Program

From RNA Extraction to qPCR for Gene Expression Analysis

  • Basic concepts and qPCR workflow
  • Considerations in Designing Your Gene Expression Experiments
  • Hands-on, covering RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis,and setting up an appropriate qPCR experiment
  • Analysis steps for Relative Quantification using ∆∆Cq method

Bacterial Whole Genome Sequencing

Master of Bacterial Whole Genome Sequencing

  • Introduction to Bacterial Whole Genome Sequencing
  • Bioinformatics in Whole Genome Sequencing 
  • Quality Control (QC) in Whole Genome Sequencing

Sanger Sequencing 101 Learning Program

In-Depth, Analysis & Troubleshooting Learning Program

  • Overview of DNA Sequencing
  • In-depth Understanding of Sanger Sequencing Workflow
  • Troubleshooting Sanger Sequencing data


Sanger Sequencing 102 Learning Program

An Integrative Phylogenetics with Sanger Sequencing

    • Understand the fundamental concepts of phylogenetics
    • Discover the diverse applications
    • Acquire hands-on skills
    • Gain knowledge of marker selection, alignment methods for molecular data

Amplicon Metagenomic 16S Bioinformatics

Learn to Analyze and Interpret Metagenomic Data Like a Pro

  • Introduction of Metagenomic Sequencing
  • Overview of 16S rRNA Marker Gene
  • Sample Quality Control (QC)
  • Metagenomic Bioinformatics Analysis
  • Study Case

Learning Program Schedules

What Our Participants Say

“Pelatihannya sangat interaktif, sangat open untuk diskusi, trainernya keren, semangat, sangat ceria, kiyowo, dan baik kuadrat.

Overall, pelatihannya sangat worth it! Bisa hands-on dan runtut dari awal workflow hingga akhir. Sangat difasilitasi dalam diskusi dan dijelaskan teorinya dengan sangat baik dan komunikatif”



Universitas Gadjah Mada

“Sangat berkesan karena dilatih oleh pelatih hebat dan cerdas, dapat metode & cara kerja baru dalam teknik molekuler. Terima kasih :)”

Polikarpia Wilhelmina Bani

Universitas Timor

“Pelatihan berjalan dengan lancar dan sesuai dengan ekspektasi saya. Instruktur menjelaskan materi dengan sangat baik serta sangat komunikatif. Materi pelatihan dipersiapkan dengan sangat baik. Fasilitas juga sangat baik. Overall, semuanya sangat baik. Terima kasih Genetika Science Academy”

Tristia Rinanda

Universitas Syiah Kuala

Learning program sudah berlangsung dengan baik, pengajar sangat sabar dan menjelaskan dengan detail. Great Job!.”


Ni Made Dwi Mara Widyani Nayaka

Institut Teknologi Bandung

Materi sangat menarik dan mendukung kami baik akademisi maupun praktisi untuk dapat paham dan berharap ke depan kegiatan seperti ini dapat terus dilaksanakan .”

Chrisoetanto P. Pattirane

Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Karawang

Materi yang disampaikan serta praktik/hands-on sudah sangat baik dan relevan dengan kebutuhan saya.”


Syahrul Gunawan

Dinas Pertanian dan Perkebunan Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Snapshots from Our Learning Program and Hands-On Activity

Participants immersed themselves and gained both theoretical and practical skills.

Have Some Questions?

Keep in Touch with Us

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PT. Genetika Science Indonesia

Rukan Great Wall Blok C No. 19-21
Green Lake City 
Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15147, Indonesia.
t. +62 21 5433 2034, +62 21 5433 2425, +62 21 5433 2701
f. +62 21 5433 2701
p. +62 878 7000 8754 (WhatsApp Only)