Genetika Science

PT Genetika Science Indonesia is a leading Life Science research distributor and service provider in Indonesia, We are acknowledged with our distinctive culture: Responsive and Reliable Sales & Customer Care Team, Strong Technical Support, and Rapid Turnaround Time. By focusing on Life Science, we are the solution for your Genomics, Molecular Biology, Proteomics, Immunology and Cell Biology research needs.

Genetika Lab

Genetika Lab has been providing scientific and professional services in this area for more than three years. We are one of the trusted private molecular laboratories in Indonesia because we always concern the standards of competency, work quality, consumer privacy protection and results accuracy. We are supported by our scientist and expertise in molecular biology and commited to providing our client with high quality services results.

DNA Bird Sexing

Avian DNA Gender Determination (bird sexing) is a non-surgical and DNA-powered method used by veterinarians, breeders, and bird owners who cannot determine the gender of their bird by its physical appearance or characteristics.


Join us for a comprehensive training program, from RNA extraction to qPCR for gene expression analysis.  


  • Basic concepts and qPCR workflow
  • Considerations in Designing Your Gene Expression Experiments
  • Hands-on Experiences: Covering RNA isolation, cDNA synthesis, and setting up an appropriate qPCR experiment
  • Analysis steps for Relative Quantification using ∆∆Cq method

  • Free Lunch Break
  • Certificate & Module
  • 2-Day Learning Program:


Day 1: Fundamental theories of qPCR, RNA Extraction and QC

Day 2: Reverse transcription, qPCR preparation and quantification, Relative Quantification analysis.



Next Generation Sequencing (NGS): Perannya dalam Food Safety

Food safety a memiliki dampak langsung terhadap kesehatan masyarakat. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) saat ini hadir mewakili kemajuan teknologi untuk memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan tersebut.

Epigenetik: Mengenal Lebih Dekat

Epigenetik adalah studi tentang bagaimana perilaku dan lingkungan dapat menyebabkan perubahan yang memengaruhi cara kerja gen. Tidak seperti perubahan genetik, epigenetik tidak mengubah urutan DNA.

Mengenal Peptida, Molekul yang Mampu Mencegah Penuaan Dini

Peptida adalah rantai pendek asam amino pembentuk protein. Peptida kosmetik adalah peptida digunakan dalam produk kecantikan.

What is Western Blot?

Western Blot, atau juga disebut Protein Immunoblotting, adalah teknik berbasis antibodi yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan, ukuran, dan kelimpahan suatu protein tertentu di antara sekumpulan protein dalam….

Get to Know Gene Expression Analysis

Gene Expression (Ekspresi Gen) studi eksperimen yang dirancang untuk menguji hipotesis mengenai adanya perbedaan ekspresi gen antara kelompok subjek biologis yang terpapar kondisi dan/atau perlakuan berbeda.

PORCINE DETECTION Mengenal Deteksi DNA Babi dalam Uji Halal

Porcine Detection merupakan pengujian yang dilakukan pada suatu produk untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya cemaran bahan non halal dari babi dan produk….


“Genes are like story, and DNA is the language that the story is written in it”
(Sam Kean).

Keep in Touch with Us

5 + 2 =

PT. Genetika Science Indonesia

Rukan Great Wall Blok C No. 19-21
Green Lake City 
Kel. Petir, Kec. Cipondoh, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15147, Indonesia.
t. +62 21 5433 2034, +62 21 5433 2425, +62 21 5433 2701
f. +62 21 5433 2701
p. +62 878 7000 8754 (WhatsApp Only)